Saturday, May 30, 2009

A new post, a blank post with an update

Randomness is something that I let my hands do the talking. What shall I say?

There goes the 1st semester. Can you imagine that 5 months just whizzed by without us realising that, "oh, we are done already?" Heads up people, get real and before you know it, you will be at home for Christmas.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First the assignments, then the cockroaches?

It so happens that I can say that I am almost done with my assignments. Earth presentation slides has just been submitted to the website, just need to prepare on what i want to say based on those slides. My anthropology essay is somewhat done, kudos to my Dad for helping me proof read and commenting at the same time. Econs quiz preparation, done. Anything else?

Well, I was so lazy just facebooking and playing games when I just heard a scream in the bathroom. It started with a scream.. then a commotion of everybody's annoying black ugly friend, the cockroach. Not just one but two running around. I smacked one but the other escaped my hand. However, they seem to be popping out all over the place. Just then, I just smell like somebody just vomited a distance away. Geez.. strange things happen today.

Oh, by the way, my housemate now trembles in fear of cockroaches. Hope it doesnt get him in the middle of the night. >.<

Cheers mates