1st Row (Front from left to Right) Jenny, Angel, Liz, Cindy, Joyce, Kendrick
2nd Row (Back from left to Right) Johnny, Yours Truly, Oliver, Alvin, Edward
In Australia, in Western Australia, in Perth, I met up with so many people. Although most of them come from Malaysia, each of them is unique. I am fortunate to have these two groups of friends. They have expanded my social circle, make my life in college enjoyable. I especially love my family in Canning College. The picture below shows my family. 'Families' are usually born within school time to crystalise the close relationships each person has to each other. I always find it amusing and fun. That added the fun factor to college life.
(From left to Right) Wu Fan, Yours Truly, Bernie, Emily, Caroline
The bonds of friendship is strong and will always be the same as long as we keep in contact. Thanks for all the memories and fun and laughters and sorrows through school times. I think I have found my friends for life. Many more to come. Lets take Edward for example, a super random guy who always try to be the most irriating person we have ever known. Im not sure what does he gain from it but he is an interesting character. "I like strawberries" >.< Im not sure what will happen over the next 4 years. :D
Till then, keep in contact you guys. Theres always facebook, friendster and msn all around. :D