We humans have this idea of wanting to measure things to a particular constant. On earth, we have miles and kilometres. In our solar system, we measure in millions of miles or kilometres. The milky way galaxy (which is where our solar system is), we turn into light years (light travelling in an Earth year). If we were to go out of the milky way galaxy, there are other galaxies outside and the nearest galaxy is like a few million light years away. If we were to sit down and think about these numbers, I do not believe that our brain is able to comprehend those large numbers.

In the game of Mass Effect, I was very interested with the galaxy map of the Milky Way. You go around other systems to hunt down people or chase people. We normally say that the world is big but if you blow it up to a galactic scale, I find it difficult to chase people. Just sit back and think about it. You are after one person yet he could be one of the many billions of systems orbiting in the galaxy. A nightmare for a galactic policeman.
We Christians sit back and think about the world. At times we are lost, we look towards our God for strength and comfort. I would not be showing you all the pictures of space but this particular picture continues to amaze me time and time again.

This picture was taken at the centre of the Whirlpool Galaxy. If it is said that all creation rejoices and glorifies God, where are the signs? Jesus did say, if you ask the children to stop praising, the rocks on the ground will continue to glorify God. I poured through all the pictures taken by the Hubble Space telescope. The colours each galaxy emits is so beautiful that you just cannot wonder who is this being that created all these.
I got this inspiration to compose this entry as my darling brought me to a special youth service at Church of Our Savior (COOS). The sermon was entitled Indescrible. The speaker was using these pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope to show the people how great is our God. It blew my mind completely as God had shown himself at another galaxy that he is real. He is a true God and you can hear countless of testimonies from many people who believe in Him.
You may be a Christian for a long time but have you made Him Lord over your Life? I admit I struggle over this. It is human nature to go against God but would you let God take charge over your life? However Jesus reassures us as he says, come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

"Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?
Can you loose the cords of Orion?"
Job 38:31
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