Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thoughts for today

I just read Acts 20-22 for today's disciple reading. Paul was leaving Ephesus and going back to Jerusalem. His Christian brothers pleaded him not to go as they were prompted by the spirit saying that Paul would undergo persecution and might lose his life in the process. Paul was firm and he went. At the moment he set foot inside the city, there was an uproar that God has accepted the Gentiles.

In the Old Testament, God gave made his covenant to Abraham which was passed down from generation to generation. Jesus came in and fulfilled the law thus giving everybody a new command to follow for those who believe in him 'Love one another and love your neighbour as yourself". I might be theologically incorrect but I am voicing my thoughts out.

According to the book of Acts, Paul was innocent to deserve death. The events leading to that conclusion showed how the Jews were still holding onto the old teaching given by Moses. Out of this thinking, this question came up to me. Are we holding onto something that is preventing God from blessing us? I do know that each and everyone of us wants to be blessed by God. However, if we hold something to ourselves, God's blessing cannot flow through.

This is certainly a food for thought. Think about it.

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