I awoke from a burden to tell the pastor in Charge of Barker Road Methodist Church a word of encouragement. I tried to sleep it of as I thought I was just hearing things. My mind began to sharpen and heard the words of God within me. He flashed out key passages and words to bring His context into a situation that happened just a few days ago. I got up, switched on my laptop and started composing an e-mail for him. I do not have the words nor the theological background to write. My hands started typing the words and passages which linked up sentence after sentence. When I have finished the e-mail, I looked at it and thought, I would not be able to write like this without the help of God.
At the back of my mind, I was thinking about the words of the Apostle Paul in the letter to Timothy. This keyverse come from 1 Timothy 4:12.
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
There have been many revival meetings for the youth and this verse has been used frequently. I accept it as it is the word of God.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17
As I composed the e-mail, I begin to understand the application of this verse. There are times where God may want us to tell the people something that they do not want to hear. Our Lord Jesus put it in the Beatitudes, Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
God continues to surprise us in one way or another. Anybody can be the person who can change the world. God does not look at the physical appearances but He looks at the heart. If you have a willing heart and ready to obey, God will use you. As for the young people, do not hold back on what God wants to say to you. You will miss the joy of seeing another believe or getting encouraged. This joy cannot be robbed by anybody as it is given from God. I pray that as we continue our walk in Christ, may our hearts be ready to obey his commands. Amen
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Joy of Watching People Getting Baptised
Just a week ago, my girlfriend just got baptised and confirmed by the church. She has been a Christian for 2 years and through this baptism service, she has made publically declared her faith. I would like to pose questions to those who are reading this. For those who were baptised, what was your feeling after baptism? As you turn around to face the congregation of the church who supported you through their applause, how did you feel? As for myself, I felt happy and joyful whenever people receive their baptism.
It can be described by the feeling of ushering a new born into the community of saints. Christians are people in the same community. Paul has said that we form many parts of the body of Christ. Some of us may be at the head, arms, legs and so on so forth. If one part refuses to function, the whole community suffers.
Listen to the words of God in Luke 15:3-7
"Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
I see an underlying question. Why should I rejoice for him and not for me? That has happened to you already, it should happen for the others as yourself. Would you want that person to experience the same joy as you had many years ago? This is not thinking for yourself but for others.
It can be described by the feeling of ushering a new born into the community of saints. Christians are people in the same community. Paul has said that we form many parts of the body of Christ. Some of us may be at the head, arms, legs and so on so forth. If one part refuses to function, the whole community suffers.
Listen to the words of God in Luke 15:3-7
"Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
I see an underlying question. Why should I rejoice for him and not for me? That has happened to you already, it should happen for the others as yourself. Would you want that person to experience the same joy as you had many years ago? This is not thinking for yourself but for others.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
If you dun glorify God, something else will keep on glorifying God
We humans have this idea of wanting to measure things to a particular constant. On earth, we have miles and kilometres. In our solar system, we measure in millions of miles or kilometres. The milky way galaxy (which is where our solar system is), we turn into light years (light travelling in an Earth year). If we were to go out of the milky way galaxy, there are other galaxies outside and the nearest galaxy is like a few million light years away. If we were to sit down and think about these numbers, I do not believe that our brain is able to comprehend those large numbers.
In the game of Mass Effect, I was very interested with the galaxy map of the Milky Way. You go around other systems to hunt down people or chase people. We normally say that the world is big but if you blow it up to a galactic scale, I find it difficult to chase people. Just sit back and think about it. You are after one person yet he could be one of the many billions of systems orbiting in the galaxy. A nightmare for a galactic policeman.
We Christians sit back and think about the world. At times we are lost, we look towards our God for strength and comfort. I would not be showing you all the pictures of space but this particular picture continues to amaze me time and time again.
This picture was taken at the centre of the Whirlpool Galaxy. If it is said that all creation rejoices and glorifies God, where are the signs? Jesus did say, if you ask the children to stop praising, the rocks on the ground will continue to glorify God. I poured through all the pictures taken by the Hubble Space telescope. The colours each galaxy emits is so beautiful that you just cannot wonder who is this being that created all these.
I got this inspiration to compose this entry as my darling brought me to a special youth service at Church of Our Savior (COOS). The sermon was entitled Indescrible. The speaker was using these pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope to show the people how great is our God. It blew my mind completely as God had shown himself at another galaxy that he is real. He is a true God and you can hear countless of testimonies from many people who believe in Him.
You may be a Christian for a long time but have you made Him Lord over your Life? I admit I struggle over this. It is human nature to go against God but would you let God take charge over your life? However Jesus reassures us as he says, come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

We Christians sit back and think about the world. At times we are lost, we look towards our God for strength and comfort. I would not be showing you all the pictures of space but this particular picture continues to amaze me time and time again.

I got this inspiration to compose this entry as my darling brought me to a special youth service at Church of Our Savior (COOS). The sermon was entitled Indescrible. The speaker was using these pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope to show the people how great is our God. It blew my mind completely as God had shown himself at another galaxy that he is real. He is a true God and you can hear countless of testimonies from many people who believe in Him.
You may be a Christian for a long time but have you made Him Lord over your Life? I admit I struggle over this. It is human nature to go against God but would you let God take charge over your life? However Jesus reassures us as he says, come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Monday, November 17, 2008
After 10 months of Aussie Lifestyle
The first leg of journey is about to come to an end. I wonder how much I have changed over the months. Would it for the better? Would it be beneficial to my darling? As much as I think of these questions, I can only wonder and give thanks to God for what has happened. The transition from a solider back to a student had been a difficult journey. The instincts and the discipline of a soldier had taught me valuable lessons. I may not have a colourful armed forces life but I thank God for the outcome of everything.
The IMC Foundation Year gang
1st Row (Front from left to Right) Jenny, Angel, Liz, Cindy, Joyce, Kendrick
2nd Row (Back from left to Right) Johnny, Yours Truly, Oliver, Alvin, Edward
In Australia, in Western Australia, in Perth, I met up with so many people. Although most of them come from Malaysia, each of them is unique. I am fortunate to have these two groups of friends. They have expanded my social circle, make my life in college enjoyable. I especially love my family in Canning College. The picture below shows my family. 'Families' are usually born within school time to crystalise the close relationships each person has to each other. I always find it amusing and fun. That added the fun factor to college life.
Family in Canning College
(From left to Right) Wu Fan, Yours Truly, Bernie, Emily, Caroline
The bonds of friendship is strong and will always be the same as long as we keep in contact. Thanks for all the memories and fun and laughters and sorrows through school times. I think I have found my friends for life. Many more to come. Lets take Edward for example, a super random guy who always try to be the most irriating person we have ever known. Im not sure what does he gain from it but he is an interesting character. "I like strawberries" >.< Im not sure what will happen over the next 4 years. :D
Till then, keep in contact you guys. Theres always facebook, friendster and msn all around. :D

1st Row (Front from left to Right) Jenny, Angel, Liz, Cindy, Joyce, Kendrick
2nd Row (Back from left to Right) Johnny, Yours Truly, Oliver, Alvin, Edward
In Australia, in Western Australia, in Perth, I met up with so many people. Although most of them come from Malaysia, each of them is unique. I am fortunate to have these two groups of friends. They have expanded my social circle, make my life in college enjoyable. I especially love my family in Canning College. The picture below shows my family. 'Families' are usually born within school time to crystalise the close relationships each person has to each other. I always find it amusing and fun. That added the fun factor to college life.
(From left to Right) Wu Fan, Yours Truly, Bernie, Emily, Caroline
The bonds of friendship is strong and will always be the same as long as we keep in contact. Thanks for all the memories and fun and laughters and sorrows through school times. I think I have found my friends for life. Many more to come. Lets take Edward for example, a super random guy who always try to be the most irriating person we have ever known. Im not sure what does he gain from it but he is an interesting character. "I like strawberries" >.< Im not sure what will happen over the next 4 years. :D
Till then, keep in contact you guys. Theres always facebook, friendster and msn all around. :D
Friday, November 14, 2008
Exams are history but life still carries on
It has been sometime since I have updated the blog. Been bogged down with work and try to do our best for the examinations. We prepared our best and sit for the test. We just need to sit and wait for our results. For us Christians, we lay our effort and our results to the Almighty God. Though our college life just ended but I realise that it is the beginning of the real journey to independence and dependence.
As international students and we realise that we need to do alot of things on our own. We have to feed ourselves, get up for school by ourselves (with the help of alarm clocks), do our homework and manage our finances. We have become students and homemakers at the same time. It may be a big issue for those who are travelling overseas for the first time but once you get the hang of it, the job gets more routine.
Over in Australia, several other students and I were going through this process of independence. The task seemed daunting at first but as time pass by, you have an idea of putting your priorities right. I might have an advantage from national service but that does not discount the fact that we need to count on the people around you for love and comfort. I am going to miss the things that has happened over the period of 9 months. It has come and gone.
So what is the next step? UWA? UQ? University of Melbourne? Geology? Landscape Archietecture? no.. I should just stick to Geology and Resource Economics at UWA. That is the first of the many steps of my life. To my friends out there, I shall see you soon.
As international students and we realise that we need to do alot of things on our own. We have to feed ourselves, get up for school by ourselves (with the help of alarm clocks), do our homework and manage our finances. We have become students and homemakers at the same time. It may be a big issue for those who are travelling overseas for the first time but once you get the hang of it, the job gets more routine.
Over in Australia, several other students and I were going through this process of independence. The task seemed daunting at first but as time pass by, you have an idea of putting your priorities right. I might have an advantage from national service but that does not discount the fact that we need to count on the people around you for love and comfort. I am going to miss the things that has happened over the period of 9 months. It has come and gone.
So what is the next step? UWA? UQ? University of Melbourne? Geology? Landscape Archietecture? no.. I should just stick to Geology and Resource Economics at UWA. That is the first of the many steps of my life. To my friends out there, I shall see you soon.
Friday, October 17, 2008
If life was a game, how would you play it?
I am in the midst of exams and this thought of Life being a game. I have been playing games since young but I wonder why we have problems trying to apply it our unique abilities in our lives. For First Person Shooters, do you play for the storyline or just for the action and be the King in multiplayer? I was never a multiplayer gamer but I play for enjoyment and to get the most from the game.

Just recently, I picked up F.E.A.R again. It is called First Encounter Assault Recon which was released in 2006. I played it once while I was in my national service days. It has this suspense that makes the story really interesting. The action is comparable with Half Life but this is a different genre of gameplay. You play as a nameless solider known as the Point Man. You were recruited to the F.E.A.R team for your special abilities. As I was playing through the game, something struck me and I started to compose this entry.
In this world, each of us have a unique ability to do something for the world. In the case of F.E.A.R, you have the ability to undergo 'bullet time' which gives you an edge over your opponents. I wonder what it is like if your life was a game. Each of us has one life and each of us is given a specific task or an ability to accomplish something. There are no save points. You fight through your struggles that bog you down. You take medicine to recover your health. You exercise to keep yourself fit so that you can face the challenges easier.
My question to you all is, what is your unique ability in this 'game of life'? If you have identified it, what are you doing about it? I quote from the letter to the Romans from Apostle Paul.
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully." (Romans 12: 6-8 New International Version)
I believe that people should not be stopped from showing their gifts and talents to create a better world. The world is in bad shape at the moment. Lets all shower each other with the love that Jesus commanded us. With the love of each other, let all differences fade away.

Just recently, I picked up F.E.A.R again. It is called First Encounter Assault Recon which was released in 2006. I played it once while I was in my national service days. It has this suspense that makes the story really interesting. The action is comparable with Half Life but this is a different genre of gameplay. You play as a nameless solider known as the Point Man. You were recruited to the F.E.A.R team for your special abilities. As I was playing through the game, something struck me and I started to compose this entry.
In this world, each of us have a unique ability to do something for the world. In the case of F.E.A.R, you have the ability to undergo 'bullet time' which gives you an edge over your opponents. I wonder what it is like if your life was a game. Each of us has one life and each of us is given a specific task or an ability to accomplish something. There are no save points. You fight through your struggles that bog you down. You take medicine to recover your health. You exercise to keep yourself fit so that you can face the challenges easier.
My question to you all is, what is your unique ability in this 'game of life'? If you have identified it, what are you doing about it? I quote from the letter to the Romans from Apostle Paul.
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully." (Romans 12: 6-8 New International Version)
I believe that people should not be stopped from showing their gifts and talents to create a better world. The world is in bad shape at the moment. Lets all shower each other with the love that Jesus commanded us. With the love of each other, let all differences fade away.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Is sanity the price to pay for POWER?
I was typing out my research essay to prepare myself for the college task this week. It carries a hefty 11% to the college mark. There is certainly no room for error. My topic? It is regarding genetically modified food to be the solution to world hunger. As I was doing the research, many sources gave the impression that GM food is creating more harm than good. I shall just type some of my thoughts with reference to the topic.
By introducing GM food, it upsets many aspects of life. In today's context under globalisation, we can see social disparity and immoral character. According to sources, there should not be world hunger as there is enough food to go around. However, there is an economic gap between the developed countries and the developing countries. One might come in and say, 'why dun we share the wealth of the developed countries to the developing countries?' It is easier said than done. You have to go through political ties, getting approval from their people and the process is endless. So what my point of view?
Nature is often an enigma to us hence we want to go and study it, harness it for the good of mankind or is it ourselves. This is where the problem lies. Companies who cash in on this new ground say that they are helping the people grow more food. Why do you need to grow more food when the green revolution has achieved that purpose? With more food, there should be less hunger but we have hundred and millions of people who are dying from hunger. The theory of producing more food to solve hunger is invalid. What are the developed countries doing? One writer has written that we spend so much on national defense. If we were to decrease spending and increase funding for other noble causes, it would be the first of many steps to solve hunger and other global issues.
What does the bible say about genetic modification? I can only find one passage about the creation of the earth and that is in Genesis 1. God creates and says that it is good. Whatever is created by the hand of God are perfect in His sight. We, humans do not set the boundaries. Nature has provided the boundaries for humans to live in. If we were to break the boundaries, the forces of nature will react and establish that equilibrium. More global warming, stronger storms and natural disasters. The facts show the the problems, why are we so crazed of making money just for power? If global warming continues to worsen, money would have no value as everything will be gone.
Who are we to play as god?
By introducing GM food, it upsets many aspects of life. In today's context under globalisation, we can see social disparity and immoral character. According to sources, there should not be world hunger as there is enough food to go around. However, there is an economic gap between the developed countries and the developing countries. One might come in and say, 'why dun we share the wealth of the developed countries to the developing countries?' It is easier said than done. You have to go through political ties, getting approval from their people and the process is endless. So what my point of view?
Nature is often an enigma to us hence we want to go and study it, harness it for the good of mankind or is it ourselves. This is where the problem lies. Companies who cash in on this new ground say that they are helping the people grow more food. Why do you need to grow more food when the green revolution has achieved that purpose? With more food, there should be less hunger but we have hundred and millions of people who are dying from hunger. The theory of producing more food to solve hunger is invalid. What are the developed countries doing? One writer has written that we spend so much on national defense. If we were to decrease spending and increase funding for other noble causes, it would be the first of many steps to solve hunger and other global issues.
What does the bible say about genetic modification? I can only find one passage about the creation of the earth and that is in Genesis 1. God creates and says that it is good. Whatever is created by the hand of God are perfect in His sight. We, humans do not set the boundaries. Nature has provided the boundaries for humans to live in. If we were to break the boundaries, the forces of nature will react and establish that equilibrium. More global warming, stronger storms and natural disasters. The facts show the the problems, why are we so crazed of making money just for power? If global warming continues to worsen, money would have no value as everything will be gone.
Who are we to play as god?
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Problem of being smart and the simplicity of being dumb
Ever wonder why people are so brilliant in their studies and successful in their careers are still feeling empty inside? This was one of the questions my friends and I were discussing during English class. To be honest, we were suppose to do our notes for the research essay but then, we were talking about it.
It sounds like a philosophical question as it does involve our psychological aspects of the mind. I do not study philosophy nor psychology but I am looking into in my own way. This ties with Christianity and certainly religion. I might have an answer to that question but I fear that it might not be theologically correct.
Do you remember what Jesus told us that the best faith we are to have is of a child? A child is innocent who does not know much about the world where as a grown up will include many factors which leads to an unstable faith. This unfortunately applies to our education. We would want to get a broader perspective but we run into a danger of just 'thinking too much'. I quote from one of my church friends, 'Failures are often caused by assumptions'. When you study maths and science, every calculation you make is based on assumptions. When Jesus say, "I am the way and the light", many people did not believe as they just think too much.
The problem of being smart and certainly the simplicity of being dumb. This does not mean that we should not be studying. Education is good as you are equipped to work with the world. Our Lord says, "Be of the world but not be part of the world." You only have one master and you are on earth to do a particular job. What is your purpose?
This brings back to Matrix when Agent Smith tells Neo before they start fighting.
"You have taken something away from me and that is purpose"
Agent Smith - Matrix Reloaded
It sounds like a philosophical question as it does involve our psychological aspects of the mind. I do not study philosophy nor psychology but I am looking into in my own way. This ties with Christianity and certainly religion. I might have an answer to that question but I fear that it might not be theologically correct.
Do you remember what Jesus told us that the best faith we are to have is of a child? A child is innocent who does not know much about the world where as a grown up will include many factors which leads to an unstable faith. This unfortunately applies to our education. We would want to get a broader perspective but we run into a danger of just 'thinking too much'. I quote from one of my church friends, 'Failures are often caused by assumptions'. When you study maths and science, every calculation you make is based on assumptions. When Jesus say, "I am the way and the light", many people did not believe as they just think too much.
The problem of being smart and certainly the simplicity of being dumb. This does not mean that we should not be studying. Education is good as you are equipped to work with the world. Our Lord says, "Be of the world but not be part of the world." You only have one master and you are on earth to do a particular job. What is your purpose?
This brings back to Matrix when Agent Smith tells Neo before they start fighting.
"You have taken something away from me and that is purpose"
Agent Smith - Matrix Reloaded
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thoughts for today
I just read Acts 20-22 for today's disciple reading. Paul was leaving Ephesus and going back to Jerusalem. His Christian brothers pleaded him not to go as they were prompted by the spirit saying that Paul would undergo persecution and might lose his life in the process. Paul was firm and he went. At the moment he set foot inside the city, there was an uproar that God has accepted the Gentiles.
In the Old Testament, God gave made his covenant to Abraham which was passed down from generation to generation. Jesus came in and fulfilled the law thus giving everybody a new command to follow for those who believe in him 'Love one another and love your neighbour as yourself". I might be theologically incorrect but I am voicing my thoughts out.
According to the book of Acts, Paul was innocent to deserve death. The events leading to that conclusion showed how the Jews were still holding onto the old teaching given by Moses. Out of this thinking, this question came up to me. Are we holding onto something that is preventing God from blessing us? I do know that each and everyone of us wants to be blessed by God. However, if we hold something to ourselves, God's blessing cannot flow through.
This is certainly a food for thought. Think about it.
In the Old Testament, God gave made his covenant to Abraham which was passed down from generation to generation. Jesus came in and fulfilled the law thus giving everybody a new command to follow for those who believe in him 'Love one another and love your neighbour as yourself". I might be theologically incorrect but I am voicing my thoughts out.
According to the book of Acts, Paul was innocent to deserve death. The events leading to that conclusion showed how the Jews were still holding onto the old teaching given by Moses. Out of this thinking, this question came up to me. Are we holding onto something that is preventing God from blessing us? I do know that each and everyone of us wants to be blessed by God. However, if we hold something to ourselves, God's blessing cannot flow through.
This is certainly a food for thought. Think about it.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Kelvin ah Kelvin
This is a special post. I have known Kelvin for around 4-5 months. Little did I know that he falls ill very easily and it can be seen through his poor diet and sleeping habits. Just today while Oliver, Edward and I were having dinner (it was quite late), we heard that Kelvin threw up again after drinking apple juice. There was so much commotion going on in the background that he needs to take immediate actions. First step: Drink tea and go and sleep!

As you can see here, Kelvin is trying not to take the tea and protesting that he doesnt need tea.

This is the tea he is suppose to drink. Liang Cha is the tea.

After minutes of pestering and reasoning it with him, he finally drinks some tea. It is clear that he does not like to drink this when he wants to study for a test tomorrow. That wouldnt do. Go and Sleep first. Your health is more important than the test even though it is 30%. You can always get a medical certificate for your absence.
To all that know what Im talking about, he shall lead a healthy lifestyle in Vickery House till the end of the year. :D

As you can see here, Kelvin is trying not to take the tea and protesting that he doesnt need tea.

This is the tea he is suppose to drink. Liang Cha is the tea.

After minutes of pestering and reasoning it with him, he finally drinks some tea. It is clear that he does not like to drink this when he wants to study for a test tomorrow. That wouldnt do. Go and Sleep first. Your health is more important than the test even though it is 30%. You can always get a medical certificate for your absence.
To all that know what Im talking about, he shall lead a healthy lifestyle in Vickery House till the end of the year. :D
Horrors of Horrors
Language has always been a bane to my studies. My sentence structure and grammar is has cost me marks in my essays. People would tell me, "Come on, you are a Singaporean and yet you still do badly in your language." I know and accept the fact that, yes I may not do as well in language then in other areas. At the back of my mind, I have been thinking what I am more proficient in and be proud of it.
Life has always been unfair to me but I am always reminded by what God has done for each and everyone of us. He did not give up and persevered all the way to the cross. Who are we to say that we are considered losers? No, that is the devil talking.
To all that are having a hard time trying to prepare for your tests and exams, do not give up. Studying can be a chore but you will certainly reap what you sow. I have to tell that myself to pick myself up. Jia you!!!
Life has always been unfair to me but I am always reminded by what God has done for each and everyone of us. He did not give up and persevered all the way to the cross. Who are we to say that we are considered losers? No, that is the devil talking.
To all that are having a hard time trying to prepare for your tests and exams, do not give up. Studying can be a chore but you will certainly reap what you sow. I have to tell that myself to pick myself up. Jia you!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Whatever plans we have, does God approve it?
When you decide to plan out your future, you just want to hit those targets. However, the big man above looks at it and says, you will need to make a few changes to it. Does it sound similar when you submit a proposal to your boss and your boss says other things that can make it better?
Just like the verse in the book of Jeremiah 29:11-13
Just like the verse in the book of Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
This sounds quite familiar. However, we should look into verse 12 and 13 for it is the key to the plans God has for you. We can do all we want but God always has a better plan. I should start doing that as well.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The first of many and beyond
Well, I have decided to write a blog in the midst of preparation for exam time. Since Im going to be in the down under for a good number of years, it is important to let people know what I have been up to. I assure you, everything is fine and dandy unless something happens.
I am currently in Perth, studying for the foundation exams which is about to start in 6 weeks time. God has been good all the time. Although there are disappointments and hardships along the way, He is always there to guide me.
My darling who is currently in her home country has always been a great source of encouragement. I am easily discouraged and she has always been there to help me through. Im glad that I have met her and through God's grace, it is a wonder that we have gotten so far.
Till then, the next post will come soon.
I am currently in Perth, studying for the foundation exams which is about to start in 6 weeks time. God has been good all the time. Although there are disappointments and hardships along the way, He is always there to guide me.
My darling who is currently in her home country has always been a great source of encouragement. I am easily discouraged and she has always been there to help me through. Im glad that I have met her and through God's grace, it is a wonder that we have gotten so far.
Till then, the next post will come soon.
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